Atlanta Recovery Place

How to Find Alcohol Addiction Treatment near Augusta, GA

When you think about drug addiction, your mind may instantly wander to drugs such as heroin or cocaine. However, alcohol is a legal drug that is an addictive substance that millions of people abuse. Alcohol addiction is more common than you may think. Nearly 15 million American adults struggle with an alcohol use disorder. While alcohol to many may not seem like an addictive drug, alcoholism can significantly affect one’s life and relationships. And if left untreated, alcoholism can have serious negative health effects.

Atlanta Recovery Place’s purpose is to provide the support and resources essential to treating your addiction. Our comprehensive care approach gives clients the custom care they need to effectively overcome their addiction and live a life of sobriety. In this article, you’ll learn about the signs of alcoholism, what treatment for alcoholism entails, and learn how to find an alcohol addiction treatment near Augusta.

If you or a loved one suffers from alcohol addiction, our addiction treatment services in Atlanta can help you on your road to recovery. Contact us today so you can start living a happier, healthier life free from addiction. 

What Are the Signs of Alcoholism?

Alcoholism has many debilitating signs that can negatively impact your well-being and damage relationships with friends and loved ones. 

Alcoholism includes a wide variety of physical, mental, and behavioral signs, including: 

  • Poor coordination 
  • Slurred Speech
  • Impaired thinking
  • Impaired memory
  • Having the desire to quit drinking, but being unable to do so
  • Secretly hiding their alcohol misuse 
  • Participating in risky behavior 
  • Denial of their alcohol problem

Alcohol is a legal drug that, unfortunately, can be addictive for various reasons. Family history of alcoholism, untreated mental health problems, and environmental factors are just some of the risk factors linked to alcoholism.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to distinguish between you or a loved one you know drinking often vs being unable to control their drinking habits.

Key signs that distinguish alcoholism from those that may appear to drink frequently include:

  • You are unable to limit the amount of alcohol you drink
  • You experience strong urges to drink alcohol
  • Your alcohol consumption disrupts aspects of your life, like work, school, or family life
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms when you attempt to stop drinking alcohol

Experiencing withdrawal symptoms can be a key indicator of addiction, such as alcoholism. Often, an individual may want to quit; however, withdrawal symptoms can make it extremely difficult for an individual to quit and stay sober over a long period.

Common withdrawal symptoms associated with alcoholism include:

  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Shaking
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Fever
  • Racing Heart Rate
  • Confusion

Facing withdrawal symptoms all on your own is challenging. However, an addiction treatment center provides the support and resources to help you through your withdrawal symptoms to be on the right path toward sobriety.

Are There Addiction Treatment Centers for Alcohol Addiction?

Yes, there are countless addiction treatment centers to treat alcohol addiction around the country. Addiction of any kind can feel isolating. An addiction treatment center provides comprehensive care and support to help you live a life free from the chains of addiction. 

At Atlanta Recovery Place, we offer alcohol addiction treatment near Augusta, providing support and care for those battling alcoholism or any form of addiction. Providing services to those in Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee, we are here to offer you or your loved one the support and resources essential to living a life of sobriety. 

Even if you don’t live near one of our locations, there are hundreds of addiction treatment centers throughout the country. Search online to find an addiction treatment center near you based on your addiction needs.

What Does Alcohol Addiction Treatment Entail?

Treatment for alcoholism includes a range of possibilities that are tailored according to a client’s specific needs. First, talk therapy can be used for individuals to build healthy coping strategies and learn new skills to quit drinking. Talk therapy is often in either a group setting or one-on-one sessions with a licensed therapist. 

Another common treatment option is a clinician prescribing non-addicting medicines to help the individual quit drinking and prevent a relapse from occurring.

How to Find Alcohol Addiction Treatment near Augusta, GA

The Atlanta Recovery Place provides various addiction treatment center locations, including an alcohol addiction treatment near Augusta. We understand that it can be difficult to break the cycle of addiction all on your own. Addiction can truly affect anyone at any age from any background of life. However, just because you have an addiction doesn’t mean you can’t break the cycle. Atlanta Recovery Place is a Georgia addiction recovery center here to help you on your journey to recovery. Whether you suffer from alcohol addiction or another addiction, we provide customized care so you can successfully live a happier, healthier life free from your addiction. Contact us to start your road to recovery today.