Atlanta Recovery Place

Are OCD and Drug Addiction Related?

When you are dealing with mental health issues, it is usually best to talk to a mental health professional – but many people do not go this route. They may feel their problem is not that bad. They may think they will not be able to afford therapy. They may be afraid to come forward to get the help they need. 

When people do not reach out for assistance, they treat their problems in other ways. Many of them self-medicate, turning to drugs and alcohol to relieve their symptoms. And while these illicit substances may provide a temporary fix, they end up doing more harm than good in the long run. 

OCD is a serious mental illness that is characterized by an obsession that causes impulsive behaviors. People dealing with it often use drugs and alcohol to treat their symptoms leading them on a downward spiral. Fortunately, there are ways to get help. 

Read on to find out more about OCD and drug addiction and how you can break the cycle. 

What Is OCD?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead to compulsive behaviors. For example, if someone is scared of catching a disease, they may think stepping on cracks will improve their chances of prevention. It is an unhealthy way for people to deal with negative input. 

Signs of OCD

The symptoms of OCD include unreasonable fears and thoughts and the resulting compulsive behaviors. Examples of obsessive thoughts include:

  • Fear of germs or contamination
  • Doubt and difficulty dealing with uncertainty
  • A need for things to be orderly and symmetrical
  • Thoughts of losing control and harming others
  • Aggression
  • Unwanted thoughts

Examples of obsessive behaviors that may result from these thoughts include:

  • Repeatedly washing and cleaning
  • Checking and counting things over and over
  • Orderliness
  • Sticking to a strict routine
  • An ongoing need for reassurance

Are OCD and Drug Addiction Related?

There is a definite relationship between OCD and drug addiction. People with OCD are typically dealing with stress and anxiety. They may use drugs and alcohol to produce a temporary calming effect. 

However, the calming effect is usually replaced with a devastating low that makes stress and anxiety worse. If an addiction forms, it will lead to troubled relationships, financial and legal issues, and difficulty holding down a job. That is why it is so important to get help from a reliable professional in the first place. 

How To Get Help With OCD and Drug Addiction

For many people, the hardest part of getting help with OCD and drug addiction is taking the first step. They may be afraid of what people think of them or they may not know what to expect. 

It is important to remember that anyone that puts you down is not worth worrying about. And once you call to get help, the rep will tell you exactly what treatment entails. 

Typically, the process starts with detox. During this phase, the patient allows their system to become free of toxic chemicals. 

Next comes therapy. The therapist will determine the underlying cause of addiction and treat it at its root. They will suggest healthy coping mechanisms that replace the urge to use. 

After treatment is complete, they will follow through with aftercare that helps the patient adjust to healthy living. 

There are many recovery centers that can help you overcome addiction, but Atlanta Recovery Place takes an approach that sets us apart. We work out personalized treatment plans for our patients ensuring they get the help they need. We offer a variety of outpatient programs allowing clients to recover while participating in their everyday lives. 

OCD and drug addiction will lead you on a downward spiral. Call Atlanta Recovery Place to take the first steps in rehabilitation. We will get you on a path to a happier, healthier lifestyle. 

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