Atlanta Recovery Place

Co-Ed Rehabs Near Me

There are numerous types of rehab centers that provide inpatient rehab, intensive outpatient, and detoxification. But when it comes to looking for addiction treatment there are also other defining factors including genders, the type of substance being abused, whether or not you suffer from mental illness, and more. Here at Atlanta Recovery Place, we think it’s important for anyone looking to pursue recovery to take all of these factors into account before choosing a rehab. Today we’ll discuss the benefits of attending a co-ed rehab. 

Co-Ed Rehabs Explained

Rehab is designed to provide individuals with the right tools and coping skills needed when recovering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol.  Co-ed rehabs provide a space where men and women can share their experiences during the recovery process in a professional environment. 

It’s important to note there are biological differences between men and women. There are also gender differences when it comes to characteristics, roles, and expectations on masculine or feminine behavior. These gender and sex differences present themsevles in substance use and the addiction recovery process. This is important to know when understanding the differences to improve in healthcare services for both men and women. 

When going to a co-ed rehab, recovering addicts can help each other see the perspective of gender and sex differences when it comes to the recovery process and overcoming addiction. This can help make the recovery process more relatable between men and women and also assist in giving ideas on how to overcome their addiction. Going to a co-ed rehab also assists in diversifying the recovery process.

Benefits of Attending a Co- Ed Rehab Near Me

Rehab addiction treatment includes individualized treatment plans that help people when identifying and overcoming their underlying issues that may have started their addiction. Although some individuals may feel more comfortable within a gender-specific rehab (and that’s completely OK), there can be many benefits for joining a treatment program that includes both male and females, if you or your loved one is open to it. The benefits of co-ed addiction treatment include: 

Broader Range of Programs and Treatments 

This includes a variety of treatments for certain drugs of abuse, and different options when it comes to inpatient living or outpatient treatment. It may also look different when it comes to social support within that facility.

Diverse Interactions With the Opposite Sex

It’s not uncommon for somones starting point of addiction to begin with relationships with the opposite sex. This could be a friend or romantic partner for example. In co-ed rehab facilities, clients can find new ways to deal with the opposite sex in a more efficient, professional, and even healthier ways. 

Provides a More Real World Experience

Because there’s not a separation of genders in real life, it can be important within your recovery to have a natural environment. A co-ed rehab is able to emulate this.  

Heals Preconceived Notions About the Opposite Sex

If you’ve had negavtive interactions with the opposite sex in the past, or havn’t been able to sustain a healthy relationship with the opposite sex, attending a co-ed rehab can help with this. Through daily interactions and group therapy sessions, you will be exposed to having friendly & platonic relationships with the opposite sex. You may also have the opportunity to learn something new about the opposite gender from you. 

How Atlanta Recovery Place Can Help

At Atlanta Recovery Place, we are a co-ed outpatient rehab program. We currently offer partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient for addiction treatment and co-occurring disorders. We individualize each of our clients treatment plans to fit their unique needs. 

We believe the co-ed rehabs can be a great way for individuals to understand more about how others experienced addiction and find recovery. This can help each client find different ways to cope with addiction and give them ideas on how to overcome the addiction to prevent a future relapse. Reach out to us today to find a treatment program that works for you and for your schedule!

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