Atlanta Recovery Place

Cocaine Statistics: Addiction and How to Get Help

Cocaine addiction is on the rise. Although the number of cocaine overdose cases were stable from 2009 to 2013, numbers have gone up since then. By 2018, there were two to five cocaine related deaths per every 100,000 people in the United States. 

Cocaine is a dangerous drug but fortunately, there are ways to break addictive habits and improve quality of life. Read on to find out more about cocaine addiction and how to get help. 

What Is Cocaine? 

Cocaine is an addictive stimulant. It is made from cocoa leaves. Cocaine hydrochloride is isolated from the plant and it is often diluted with unnatural substances such as cornstarch, flower baking soda or talcum powder. It is sold on the street in powder form and is usually snorted but it can also be injected or smoked.

Cocaine is commonly referred to as a “party drug”. It’s most popular being used amongst a group of people in a social setting, but this is not to say that people don’t do cocaine alone. What could start off as what is perceived to be “casual drug use” with other people, can certainly turn into a full blown addiction.

Why Is Cocaine so Addictive? 

Cocaine’s addictive properties are due to the chemical reaction it creates in the brain. It increases levels of dopamine, a chemical that is located in the rewards center of the brain. It promotes feelings of pleasure and energy making the body want more. 

People who use cocaine regularly begin to build up a tolerance. That means they need to take more of the drug to experience the same feelings of pleasure. This increases addictive tendencies.  

Cocaine Statistics

Here are some eye-opening statistics regarding cocaine use. 

  • Cocaine overdoses are on the rise in the United States. Fatalities rose from 3,822 in 1999 to 15,883 in 2019. 
  • According to 2018 statistics, Americans 35-44 years old were most likely to die of a cocaine overdose. 
  • Cocaine use is prevalent in black communities. In 2018, the number of black people to die of an overdose doubled as compared to the rate of white people and tripled as compared to the number of Hispanic deaths. 
  • In 2018, the rate of cocaine deaths were nine times higher in Northeast urban regions as compared to deaths that occurred in Western rural areas. 
  • Cocaine use is problematic among today’s youth. A 2020 study published on Drug shows that 1.6% of American 8th graders and 10th graders and 4.1% of 12th graders have used cocaine at least once in their lifetimes. 

Getting Help for Your Cocaine Addiction

There are several types of treatments that are available for cocaine addiction, but a more intensive rehab option may be the best place to start. The Atlanta Recovery Place offers evidence-based strategies that will help you overcome addictive behaviors. 

Once checked in, clients are detoxed to eliminate all chemicals from their bodies. This is followed up by therapies that provide coping mechanisms that aim to replace dependence with healthier ways of dealing with stressors. Once inpatient treatment or partial hospitalization is completed, clients are provided with ongoing outpatient care to help them adjust to and maintain sober living. 

Reach Out to Atlanta Recovery Place Today for Help With Addiction

Cocaine is a deadly drug. It can destroy your relationships, your ability to do the things you love, and it can even kill you. A cocaine addiction can commonly start off as casual drug use in a social setting and slowly become more intense. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, contact Atlanta Recovery Place to take the first step in fighting back and increasing your chances of leading a long and fulfilling life. 

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