Atlanta Recovery Place

Are There Dual Diagnosis Centers Near Augusta, GA?

While each dual diagnosis case is unique, the need to treat mental health and substance use is not uncommon. More than half of individuals diagnosed with a substance use disorder are also diagnosed with a mental health concern. Therefore, finding dual diagnosis centers near Augusta that address both concerns is critical for sustainable recovery.

At Atlanta Recovery Place, we create individualized treatment programs that address the mental and physical health of the clients in our care. We utilize traditional and unique therapy alternatives to facilitate holistic growth in our clients. Contact us today to learn more about our outpatient drug rehab in Georgia.

What is a Dual Diagnosis Disorder?

A dual diagnosis disorder is the occurrence of two or more comorbid mental or substance use disorders that impact an individual simultaneously. Dual diagnosis disorders describe individuals struggling with substance use disorders and other mental health concerns. Clients who struggle with both require more complex and specified treatment to ensure they receive the best care. 

What Are Common Dual Diagnosis Disorders?

Some of the most common mental health concerns that require dual diagnosis treatment are anxiety, bipolar, depression, mood, personality, PTSD, and trauma disorders. These disorders are commonly linked to increased substance use independently, but when in combination with a substance use disorder can become out of control. 

Individuals struggling with substance use disorders and mental health concerns often get caught in a cycle of use. Individuals with mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, and trauma are more likely to self-medicate if they are not on prescriptions or feel like their prescription is ineffective. Self-medicating with alcohol or illegal substances is a form of misuse that can transition into abuse and addiction. 

The cycle can be just as devastating for individuals with a substance use disorder and mental health concerns. In this sense, individuals who use legal or illegal substances to get high or recreationally can devastate their mental health. Individuals who illegally use cocaine often experience high levels of anxiety that can transition into paranoia. Additionally, drugs with depressant qualities are often cited as causing increases in suicide and attempts. 

What Does Dual Diagnosis Treatment Entail?

Dual diagnosis treatment often includes a number of beneficial mental, physical, and emotional health treatments designed to address the needs and concerns of the individual. Each individual has unique experiences and requires equally unique addiction treatment to be successful. Therefore, dual diagnosis treatment often combines several traditional addiction therapeutic treatments and a comprehensive treatment program for the other disorders. 

Traditional addiction treatment combines psychosocial therapy with medication therapy. The combination helps clients develop a steady baseline for success. Therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectal Behavioral Therapy are often used to help clients learn to accept their past and talk, think, and act positively about their future. More holistic therapies also include mindfulness and other positive thinking techniques that challenge incorrect thought processes and adapt them to create positive outcomes. 

Traditional treatment and dual diagnosis treatment often include a number of medication therapies to support the client’s overall mental health. For example, individuals in a Georgia alcohol rehab often find that there is a medication that can help them ween themselves off the drugs in a safe manner or deter them from using at all. Additionally, individuals with a mental illness that requires medication can get support to regulate their usage or initially find a medication that can support their well-being. 

Lastly, dual diagnosis treatment includes specific therapies to meet their mental health needs. For example, clients with anxiety should have exact treatment time within their program to address it. The same goes for all other dual diagnosis disorders. 

Are There Dual Diagnosis Centers Near Augusta, GA?

This is a comprehensive addiction treatment program near Augusta, GA, that offers clients the support they need to find success in recovery. In addition, our clients can access tailored treatment plans based on their specific needs in Atlanta Recovery Place. To learn more about our dual diagnosis recovery treatment program, reach out to our Georgia addiction recovery center today.