Atlanta Recovery Place

Finding a Job After Rehab

If you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol, seeking professional treatment should be a main priority. It’s rare for an addict to be able to maintain employment, solid relationships, good health, etc, as addiction affects all aspects of your life. Professional addiction treatment not only helps you get off drugs or alcohol, it helps you learn coping skills to maintain long term sobriety and reintegrate back into society. At Atlanta Recovery Place, we want all of our clients to complete treatment and feel happy and confident starting their new sober life. Today we’d like to spend some time talking about finding employment post addiction treatment. Keep on reading to find out more information! 

Finding a Job After Addiction Treatment

Participating in addiction treatment doesn’t always, but sometimes may, affect your professional life. A lot of people are even hesitant to seek addiction treatment in the first place because of this. Although it may not feel like it, no job is as important as seeking recovery. If your job or career needs to be put on hold in order to do this, that is totally ok. 

After addiction treatment, it can be hard to jump back into a “normal” life/routine. It’s important to be able to find a balance between recovery and some sort of ‘normalcy’. Finding a job is crucial in the search for this balance between normalcy and recovery because working can give you a sense of purpose, and the ability to support yourself financially. Working and being employed full time will also help you create a routine. Routines help you incorporate structure and stability into your daily life, a crucial component to maintaining long term sobriety. 

If you’ve recently completed treatment and are unsure what you want to do professionally, working in the addiction treatment space may be a great place to start your job search! The industry will feel familiar as you’re now immersed in it, so seeking employment here may feel a little less intimidating. 

Jobs in the Addiction Field

There are many different careers within addiction recovery and the rehabilitation field that you can possibly pursue! Some of these jobs include things such as:

  • Substance Abuse Counselor – As you may or may not know, Substance Abuse Counselors treat people who are struggling with substance abuse. The main goal of a Substance Abuse Counselor is to help addicts overcome their addiction. Every state in the US has different qualifications to become a counselor but the NAADC is a national certification that exceeds most state requirements. 
  • Social Worker – A social worker  performs a great diversity of tasks to help people who are struggling with some aspect of their lives. Social workers can be employed by rehabs and addiction treatment centers, as well as other places such as hospitals. If you’re interested in going back to school and receiving a masters degree, this could be a great option for you. 
  • Detox Support Specialist – These people help perform drug screenings and monitor individuals undergoing the detox process. They provide a safe space for their clients to detox and go through their withdrawal symptoms.
  • Sober Companion – A sober companion is fairly self-explanatory; this is a person who provides companionship for someone that is sober. They offer guidance and advice, are physically present the majority of the day, and will help someone with day to day tasks. 

The above mentioned are just a few jobs in the addiction field. With a little research, and guidance from the addiction treatment center you went to, the job opportunities in the addiction field are endless! 

Atlanta Recovery Place Can Help You Today

Atlanta Recovery Place is an addiction treatment center in Atlanta, Georgia. We specialize in partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, outpatient, and sober living services. We are also always looking for an extra set of hands to help out at our facility. If you’re interested in working with us, you can fill out the form here. Whether you’re looking for help with your addiction, or a place to work, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!