Atlanta Recovery Place

What is the Relationship Between Depression and Genetics?

Many of us experience depression occasionally. But for some of us, the emotion is ongoing. It can come about for seemingly no reason and last for days, weeks, months, or years. It can get in the way of a person being able to perform the most basic tasks. For years, researchers have been trying to uncover the causes of depression, and the relationship between depression and genetics. Once they get to its underlying roots, they are better prepared to come up with a solution. It has been proven that people who have a close family member who is dealing with depression will be more likely to develop it themselves. This article will look at the relationship between depression and genetics so you can see how the two relate.  

What is Depression?

Depression is defined as a lowering of mood. People with a depressive disorder will feel bad more often than they feel good. This imbalance may go on for days, weeks, or months.

There are several types of depression, including the following:

  • Major Depressive Disorder occurs when a person feels depressed most of the time for a period that lasts two weeks or longer.
  • Persistent Depressive Disorder is similar to Major Depressive Disorder, but the condition may last two years or longer.
  • Bipolar disorder is characterized by periods of soaring highs and devastating lows.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder is brought on by gloomy, cold weather.
  • Psychotic depression is a type of depression accompanied by hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.

What are the Symptoms of Depression?

The symptoms of depression may vary depending on what type of depression you are dealing with, but they generally include the following:

  • Loss of interest in the things you once loved
  • Withdrawal from society
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Restlessness and agitation
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness
  • Suicidal thoughts

What is the Relationship Between Depression and Genetics?

Scientists reveal a strong case for hereditary depression based on the following theories.

It has been suggested that people with depression may be dealing with the condition due to a lack of substances in the brain called neurotransmitters. The imbalance may be inherited from a close relative. Antidepressant medications may be used to treat this type of genetic depression.

Environmental factors can also contribute to depression. For example, if a person had a parent with depression, they may copy their behaviors and become depressed themselves. They may also develop the disorder from dealing with the difficult atmosphere the parent created when they were growing up. This can be considered genetic depression as well.

How to Find Treatment for Depression and Addiction

Many people that are depressed self-medicate to deal with their symptoms. They may be reluctant to come forward because they are afraid of what people think of them. They may not want to reach out because they don’t think their issues are that bad or may not have the time or money to deal with them.

Instead of getting the help they need, they turn to drugs and alcohol to relieve their symptoms. This takes them on a vicious cycle that only makes matters worse.

Fortunately, there are facilities available that offer treatment for depression and addiction. They take a dual diagnosis approach that simultaneously addresses the condition and its underlying causes. This is an effective method in ensuring long-term recovery.

There are many centers that offer care for depression and addiction, but which one is right for you? You can spend hours trying to find the perfect option, or you can save yourself time by contacting Atlanta Recovery Place first.

At Atlanta Recovery Place, we understand that each patient is different. We work out a customized plan that is best suited to their needs. We offer a variety of outpatient treatments so you can recover while going about your everyday life. Our therapies address addiction and its underlying causes so you can achieve your rehab goals. The relationship between depression and genetics, and how it impacts addiction can get you on a vicious cycle. Atlanta Recovery Place will give you a hand in getting off the hamster’s wheel. Call us to find out how we can help you find the happiness you deserve.

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