Atlanta Recovery Place

What is the Relationship Between Substance Use and Trauma?

There is a substantial relationship between substance use and trauma. In fact, 75% of individuals who enter treatment for a substance use disorder report histories of abuse and trauma. Additionally, as many as one-third of individuals in treatment may also be experiencing PTSD.

Contact Atlanta Recovery Place today to get comprehensive treatment for addiction and trauma. Our Atlanta addiction treatment program addresses clients’ individual needs through tailored treatment plans and supportive therapeutic staff.

Let us help you with addiction and trauma at Atlanta Recovery Place, an outpatient rehab center in Georgia.

What is Trauma?

Trauma is exposure to an event that causes physical, emotional, or potentially life-threatening harm. This experience can be “dangerous, frightening, or extremely stressful.” This event or series of circumstances can lead to life-long problems with mental, physical, and emotional health, social well-being, or spiritual well-being. At a much higher rate, individuals who experience trauma are at a higher risk of developing mental health and behavioral health concerns. Childhood trauma increases the risk of addiction, depression, and other personality disorders. One study examining the comorbidity of substance abuse and trauma found that 59% of young people within the survey who experienced trauma also developed a substance use disorder.

Trauma can include physical and sexual abuse, car accidents, neglect, and other impactful events. Additionally, while anyone can experience trauma, some studies have indicated that females are at a higher risk for developing PTSD symptoms, even though men experience trauma more frequently. 

What Causes Addiction?

While there is no specific cause of addiction, there are many connections to genetics, environment, and trauma. 

When surveying individuals with substance use disorders, there is often a direct correlation to a genetic parent or exposure to addiction in the household while growing up. Exposure genetically and environmentally can increase the chances of developing an addiction to substances. In addition, through exposure to addiction, individuals can learn and develop unhealthy habits related to substance abuse. 

Another commonality between individuals who develop an addiction to substances is trauma. Individuals who experience trauma often use substances to help them process or forget. Additionally, individuals who suffer trauma in childhood are much more likely to develop an addiction to substances later in life. Conversely, individuals who become addicted to substances are at a higher risk of experiencing use-related traumas like car accidents and physical and sexual abuse.

What is the Relationship Between Substance Use and Trauma?

The relationship between substance use and trauma is extensive and complex. Individuals who experience trauma and turn to substances often experience retraumatization and complex emotional states related to emotional and behavioral fluctuations caused by the substance. The cyclical nature of addiction and trauma indicates the need for specialized treatment programs that address their addiction and emotional state.

A person struggling with substance abuse and trauma requires dual diagnosis addiction treatment. Treatment facilities that offer dual-diagnosis treatment are often equipped to handle trauma and PTSD as comorbid disorders. Therefore, these centers should offer precisely aligned substance use and trauma/PTSD treatment.

Dual-diagnosis treatment facilities should offer multiple pathways to treatment for individuals also struggling with trauma. In many cases, they should offer a combination of medication and psychotherapy to develop healthy opportunities for individuals to recover. The National Institute of Mental Health suggests that antidepressants or other sleep medications may be helpful for individuals experiencing trauma or PTSD. This can be a complex problem for individuals struggling with substance abuse as both have the potential for abuse. Many treatment facilities often recommend psychotherapy with medication to support clients.

Individuals experiencing trauma and entering psychotherapy often follow a treatment program that uses “talk therapy” or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. These are usually a basis for treatment for addiction and trauma. Clients may even benefit from Exposure Therapy and Cognitive Restructuring to process their trauma event.

How to Find Dual Diagnosis Trauma Treatment in Georgia

Finding dual diagnosis treatment in Georgia isn’t tricky, but finding a treatment facility that offers specific treatment opportunities for individuals who have experienced trauma can be challenging. 

Through Atlanta Recovery Place, our Atlanta rehab facility offers extensive outpatient opportunities for individuals to address substance abuse and behavioral health concerns in a safe and supportive environment. Our individualized programming supports clients’ personal growth towards their health goals. With evidence-based treatment plans, we help clients address their concerns around substance abuse, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. 

Learn more about our treatment for addiction and trauma by speaking with someone at Atlanta Recovery Place today.