Atlanta Recovery Place

The Dangers of Binge Drinking in College

College. The time in someone’s life where they find themselves, and sometimes they start new habits. These habits, such as partying, may not always be healthy or helpful. Everyone knows that in college the stereotype is the party scene is ongoing and never ending. For some people this isn’t true, but for others this is completely accurate. Atlanta Recovery Place would like to spend some time today discussing how binge drinking can affect someone not only in college, but after the fact as well. 

The Definition of Binge Drinking

According to the National Institute of Health and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,  the definition for binge drinking is a pattern of drinking alcohol that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08% (NIH). For an average adult, this pattern will correspond with consuming five or more drinks in males, or four or more drinks in females, in the span of about 2 hours. 

According to another resource, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the definition for binge drinking is when an individual consumes five or more alcoholic drinks (males), or four or more alcoholic drinks (females), on the same occasion, meaning within the same time. For this definition the “binge drinking” has to occur on at least one day in the past month. While binge drinking doesn’t necessarily mean someone is an alcoholic, there is a pattern and correlation of binge drinking associated with alcohol use disorder. This pattern states that binge drinking/heavy alcohol use can increase an individual’s risk to develop alcohol use disorder. 

Why Is Binge Drinking in College Students Common?

There are many different reasons why binge drinking and alcohol use are so common within college life. These reasons may include things such as peer pressure, freedom from parents, stressors of school and life changes, wanting to fit in, and so much more. According to the National Institute of Health and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the first six weeks within a college student freshman year is the most vulnerable time when it comes to heavy drinking and alcohol abuse. This is because of the student expectations and social pressures that come from college.  

There are other factors that relate to binge drinking within the college environment such as attending a school with a strong Greek system and prominent athletic programs. Students within these Greek systems and athletic programs tend to engage in habitual drinking and high alcohol consumption. The college students who use alcohol the least are those who commute and live with their parents. According to the National Institute of Health and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, college drinking is a significant public health problem. It can take an enormous toll not only on the intellectual ability of a student, but also the social life that this student experiences on campuses all across the U.S. Binge drinking alcohol can cause serious health risks including damage to the liver and other organs, while making some students more susceptible to certain diseases. Drinking can also cause many different safety risks including drunk driving, sexual assaults and harassment, and injuries.

How Atlanta Recovery Place Can Help

Here at Atlanta Recovery Place, we want to help addicts find the best treatment that suits them and their individualized needs. As a college student, it may be hard to fit treatment and recovery into one’s schedule, but waiting to fix this binge drinking problem can result in later alcoholism and even other substance use disorders. It may be difficult for students to find support on their college campuses when overcoming things such as underage college drinking, binge drinking, and more. Finding a support group and finding quality sober companions/peers is crucial when trying to maintain sobriety, and while going through this recovery process. To find more resources, to get treatment, to get information, and more, reach out to us today. We want to help you succeed in your sobriety goals and your well-being.