Atlanta Recovery Place

What is Alcohol Poisoning?

The dangers of alcohol are too often overlooked until there is a significant issue. Individuals are primarily unaware of the potential hazards that alcohol has on the body and how drinking in moderation has changed in the last three years. 

At Atlanta Recovery Place, individuals can access high-quality alcohol treatment from medically trained staff who have focused their careers on helping people make significant changes in their lives. Learn more about the therapies and treatments available for alcohol addiction at Atlanta Recovery Place by speaking with an intake counselor today.

How Does Alcohol Consumption Impact the Body?

Alcohol consumption impacts all significant organs in the body: it can affect the heart, lungs, muscles, pancreas, liver, bones, gastrointestinal tract, brain, and oral cavity. Additionally, alcohol consumption can be linked to strokes, high blood pressure, liver cirrhosis, and nine different types of cancer. It can weaken the body’s immune system, making it much easier for the individual to get sick and making the sickness last longer.

What is Alcohol Poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning is just another term for an overdose. While anyone who consumes alcohol is at risk for alcohol poisoning, many misuse factors increase the risk of overdose. The misuse of alcohol can occur in many ways. 

One common way alcohol is misused is when underaged individuals consume it. This type of misuse is often associated with the thrill of sneaking around and doing something illegal. Additionally, individuals under the age of 21 are not permitted to drink alcohol in the united states based on the idea that the frontal lobe is not fully developed and that individuals at that age cannot make logical decisions about the amount they are drinking. In fact, approximately 5% of alcohol poisoning deaths occur in individuals under the age of 24.

Another factor that increases the risk of alcohol poisoning is drinking medication while using other substances. Whether an individual is taking a prescribed medication or an illegal drug, there can be an interaction between the two, increasing the likelihood of alcohol poisoning.

Lastly, the most common form of misuse that leads to alcohol poisoning across all ages is binge drinking. This occurs when an individual consumes too much alcohol for their system to safely handle in a short amount of time. When an individual is poured a drink at a location, it comes in a standardized size. This is to ensure that individuals can monitor the amount they are ingesting. According to the CDC, drinking in moderation is considered two drinks or less daily for men and one drink or less every day for women. By following this standard found in the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, there is a reduced risk of alcohol-related harm.

What Are the Signs of Alcohol Poisoning?

A person with acute alcohol poisoning will have physical signs. However, psychological factors often occur before a severe incident occurs. Therefore, when looking for symptoms of alcohol poisoning, it is essential to consider how much alcohol the person has consumed and over how long of a time period. It is also important to note if they’ve taken any other substances. 

Individuals experiencing alcohol poisoning will have many physical symptoms to identify. This can include but is not limited to vomiting, seizures, slowed or irregular breathing, pale skin, and low body temperature, and they may lose consciousness and be unable to be awakened. 

Remember, if you see someone experiencing alcohol poisoning or an overdose, call 9-1-1. 

How to Treat Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning does not have an over-the-counter or prescription fix. Therefore, individuals who experience alcohol poisoning need immediate medical attention. This process can include stomach pumping, oxygen to ensure the brain’s stability, IV fluids, and even kidney dialysis if the body cannot process a large amount of alcohol within the system.

Atlanta Recovery Place Provides Treatment for Alcohol Recovery in Georgia

The treatment provided at Atlanta Recovery Place can support a client through every stage of the recovery process. Individuals can attend both in-person and telemedicine treatment options when they have advanced through the more critical treatment programs. 

Clients at our Atlanta addiction treatment center have access to supportive healthcare options that promote total body wellness and include dual diagnosis support for additional mental health concerns and medication-assisted treatment to support clients through the early stages of recovery and reduce the risk of relapse while in recovery.To learn more about the alcohol recovery programs available at our Georgia addiction recovery center, contact Atlanta Recovery Place today.

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