Atlanta Recovery Place

FAQs About Treatment

Admissions FAQ's

If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, getting help can be overwhelming. We’ve put together a list of the most common questions we are asked by clients and loved ones. If you have more questions or concerns please contact us today.

Costs can vary because each person’s situation is different. Please call us and we’ll provide you with a free, confidential assessment to determine your specific cost based on your specific treatment recommendation.
Yes, we accept all major insurance plans including PPO, POS, and HMO plans that offer out-of-network benefits. Please call our admissions team to learn more.
ARP recommends at least 90 days of treatment. However; each individual is different and requires a different level of care based on their treatment plan. As a result, the specific length of time in treatment is determined by the treatment plan and the clients progress through each phase. Each level of care has its own recommended duration. Research has proven that long-term drug and alcohol treatment is most effective, as it provides ample time for clients to experience life in recovery.
Yes. All clients are assessed and undergo a thorough evaluation prior to us creating a treatment plan specific to their needs and situation. The evaluation encompasses an assessment of the client’s physical, psychological, social, spiritual and family needs to determine the most appropriate level of care. If we cannot help you in your specific situation, we have a wide network that we can refer you to.
Atlanta Recovery Place accepts clients dealing with substance abuse and dual diagnoses such as addiction and co-occurring mental health issues like depression, unresolved grief, anxiety, trauma, PTSD and bipolar disorders. All of our clients have a chemical addiction, but we address the whole patient in their disease. We screen the health status of all potential clients to make sure we are the proper facility for care. This usually involves a review of any medical history and records by a member of the medical staff, and an intake screening assessment.
Clients without chemical dependency or patients with a primary psychiatric diagnosis only. Individuals who are suicidal, with medical conditions that require inpatient care or clients with behavioral problems such as violence or flight risk are not appropriate for ARP.
At ARP we are always thinking outside the box, we view each client as a unique individual and as a result, we create a treatment plan that is tailored to each client’s uniqueness. We proactively find new ways to provide care that sets our clients up for success when they leave our program. Creating a solid structure and foundation for our clients allows them to successfully and independently live life without the use of mind altering substances.
Unfortunately, no one can make your loved one enroll in drug and alcohol treatment. However, ARP can refer you to a Professional Interventionist who can help create motivation for your loved one to seek help.

Program FAQ's

Each client is assigned an attending physician upon admission to ARP. The physicians at ARP are Board Certified Psychiatrists, Internal Medicine Specialists or Addictionologists. All are certified by the American Board of Addiction Medicine (ABAM). Other members of a client’s treatment team include: Psychiatrist, Social Worker, Case Manager, Family Counselor, Continuing Care Coordinator, Nurse, Clinical Associate, and more.
Physician – Immediately upon intake, and then every 2 weeks thereafter or as needed Case Manager – daily Family Counselor – once a week
The activities on a given day vary significantly. We recommend that you read the different approaches we take and give us a call to further discuss. Read more about the approaches we take to getting you well here.
Clients participate in psychoeducational and psychotherapeutic groups designed to help them explore addiction and co-occurring disorders, as well as the impact this disease can have on the family. Treatment modalities include:
  • Group therapy
  • Medication management of mood disorders
  • Individual therapy
  • Procedural learning on how to use the 12-Steps
  • Psychoeducation groups
  • Groups for professional and work-related issues
  • Groups for grief resolution and coping with loss
  • Anger management groups
  • Relapse prevention
  • Life skills
  • Family therapy
  • Family program
  • Spirituality groups
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Gender issues group
  • 12-Step recovery meetings on and off campus
  • Meditation and mindfulness training
ARP encourages the development or redevelopment of self-sufficiency skills like grocery shopping and food preparation. We do not have a cafeteria but instead have a food delivery service and program implemented by our staff that encourages budgeting, planning, and responsible shopping skills. Clients are responsible for preparing their meals every day.
Yes, our group sessions are co-ed. However, our trained staff will always be present to provide supervision.
We have a list of items that we would recommend that you bring, as well as items we do not allow. Please check out our list here.
Unfortunately, no. There are several reasons: space, safety, allergies, and others.
Clients can write letters based on the recommendations of their treatment team, and can have scheduled visits from family members and sponsors.
Family is a very important part of the client’s recovery. During treatment, each client will be assigned to a primary therapist who will conduct a detailed assessment with the client and family members. Then the client and family’s unique treatment needs will be determined. Throughout treatment, the primary therapist will have weekly family counseling sessions by phone or in person (if the family lives locally). The clients therapist will be in contact with the family as needed to discuss the course of treatment, progress and aftercare recommendations.
Medications are reviewed by the medical doctor and nurse, and distributed per directions.
ARP brings aftercare planning early on in treatment. Clients are encouraged to be an active participant in life after treatment. We develop real life plans based on each client’s circumstances. With legal, professional, community, social, and personal goal planning, we build confidence and restore faith in their ability to participate successfully again within society.
For clients residing in the Atlanta area we offer physician monitoring, a Tuesday night peer support group and individual therapy.
The treatment team works with the client and their families to determine the most effective plan.
Yes, to set up aftercare, if returning to a home outside the Atlanta area.

Working with a diverse network of partners

We Work With Most Major Insurance Providers

Most major health insurance providers with out-of-network benefits will help cover the cost of our Atlanta treatment program. Call us or email us to find out your coverage options when seeking treatment for drug & alcohol abuse.

Recover Now.

Atlanta Recovery Place has caring representatives available 24/7 to help you or your loved one when dealing with substance abuse. Request a 100% confidential callback now to start your journey.