Even though it’s illegal, cocaine has a considerable presence in social and party communities. Used to enhance a good time, individuals often don’t realize the long-term complications and implications that cocaine use, even temporarily, can have on an individual body, mental health, and criminal record.
At Atlanta Recovery Place, we believe that anyone can be successful in treatment. To support this, we offer clients many treatment programs that can be customized to the needs of the individual to keep their personal growth geared toward sobriety goals and long-term recovery.
Call us today to learn more about the Georgia drug and alcohol rehab programs at Atlanta Recovery Place.
What is Cocaine?
Cocaine is a naturally occurring stimulant that has euphoric effects on the user. It also alters perception, focus, and the speed of the central nervous system. Cocaine users often experience a rush of euphoria followed by a short, intense high. This high may include elevated heart rates, temperature, and blood pressure, accompanied by increased focus, hypersensitivity to touch, light, sound, and extreme happiness. Conversely, cocaine can cause feelings of paranoia and irritability.
The drug typically wears off within an hour of being taken. The speed with which cocaine impacts the body often affects how much an individual takes. Cocaine is a binge drug, meaning that individuals usually take multiple “hits” in one session to maintain the high for longer. Bingeing cocaine is extremely dangerous because the effects of a cocaine hit are equally as dangerous each time a person uses the drug, unlike others where the risk may decrease.
What are the Signs of Cocaine Abuse?
Cocaine addiction follows the path of many other addictive drugs. Considered a party drug, individuals often start small, but through quickly developing tolerance due to bingeing and its addictive nature, individuals can quickly become addicted to the drug. This can cause physical and psychological signs of cocaine abuse that impact a person’s personal and work life.
Psychologically, an individual addicted to cocaine may have increased focus, extreme mood swings, and uncontrollable anger outbursts. They may have periods of severe depression and anxiety followed by highs that mimic bipolar disorders. Cocaine use can increase volatility and unpredictability and copy several mental health disorders.
Cocaine use can sometimes be easier to identify physically. Individuals addicted to cocaine often lose weight, have frequent nose bleeds, and may even have dental issues related to the method of use. Individuals who use cocaine can also have chills/excessive sweating due to increased body heat, nausea, and muscle twitches. Cocaine use can also result in an overdose. Symptoms of an overdose include seizures, coma, and death.
What Are Cocaine Abuse Symptoms?
Cocaine addiction is dangerous and can have life-long implications for those addicted to the substance. Individuals addicted to cocaine are at a higher risk of psychological disorders, physical health complications, and social implications.
Individuals addicted to cocaine have an increased link to other psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Additionally, cocaine addiction can increase paranoia and aggression, volatility, and other dangers.
Physically, cocaine addiction increases an individual’s likelihood of contracting HIV or Hepatitis C. It has a direct connection to several types of cancers. It even has a link to an increased chance of developing a Parkinson’s-like disorder because of the effect the drug has on a person’s nervous system.
Lastly, cocaine addiction has significant social implications for individuals. Cocaine is an illegal substance, meaning anyone caught possessing the drug or testing positive for use can face charges. Additionally, cocaine use has a negative impact on the social relationships of the user. Cocaine abuse symptoms can impact an individual’s ability to hold a consistent job, find employment, and sometimes maintain custody of their children.
What Help is Available for Cocaine Addiction?
Cocaine addiction is a treatable addiction disorder. Known as a cocaine use disorder, clients often need a combination of physical and behavioral health therapies. Addiction treatment for cocaine symptoms starts with detoxification, followed by intensive behavioral addiction therapy. Following that initial treatment process, individuals work through outpatient aftercare programs that prolong the consistency and treatment necessary for life-long success.
While addiction is not a curable disease, individuals can achieve long-term sobriety with proper treatment and dedication to the process.
Get Cocaine Addiction Help at Atlanta Recovery Place.
Atlanta Recovery Place is an addiction treatment facility tailored to meet clients’ needs in multiple situations. Through numerous extensive high-quality treatment programs, clients can achieve successful long-term sobriety.
We provide treatment for addiction and several co-morbid mental health disorders through a proactive, holistic approach that promotes client individuality and personal achievement of sobriety goals. With specialized programs for men and women, our clients can find a treatment that works for them at our facility. Learn more about our Georgia addiction recovery center today.